To our valued customers,

After 3 1/2 years of holding our prices steady, despite significant increases in the costs of our ingredients and packaging, we are reluctantly raising the prices on our miso and koji. This increase will be approximately 7.5% and will take effect on March 4, 2025.

Current price levels will be honored on orders placed before March 4. Thank you to the customers of South River Miso!

By Suzanne Dionne. Over 40 recipes and lots of interesting information about miso. Contents include the ten healing benefits of miso, its nutritional qualities, and the importance of its enzymes and probiotic microorganisms. Spiral bound, 82 pages.


Miso More Than Food: Life

By Suzanne Dionne. Over 40 recipes and lots of interesting information about miso. Contents include the ten healing benefits of miso, its nutritional qualities, and the importance of its enzymes and probiotic microorganisms. Spiral bound, 82 pages.
